为什么我觉得Biodynamic Calendar是瞎扯淡-资料大搜集


生物动力法是一个很靠谱的设想。提出这个设想的年代过于久远,有很多不科学的地方。Biodynamic Calendar尤为没道理。When Wine Tastes Best Biodynamic Wine Calendar更是像极了骗钱的工具。以下是一些资料搜集,仅供参考。

The Daily Telegraph《每日电讯报》2012年3月15日为Maria Thun撰写的讣文。Maria Thun是Biodynamic Calendar生物动力法日历的发明人。


原文 Rudolf Steiner had pointed out the connection between cosmic forces and the growth of plants. Maria Thun began studying the astrological calendar of the Goetheanum (the centre of Steiner’s philosophy) and discovered that every two or three days the moon passed into in a different constellation of the zodiac. This led her to study whether the crop cycle might be affected by the astrological calendar.

翻译 Rudolf Steiner指出了宇宙原力和植物生长之间的关系。 Maria Thun开始研究Goetheanum的占星日历(astrological calendar)。 她发现月球每2-3天会通过不同的黄道十二宫星座。这引领她开始研究作物的生长周期可能受占星日历的影响。

评论 Biodynamic Calendar和我们聊天蝎座特别阴暗是一个性质的。天蝎座:代表人物:孙中山,比尔盖茨,玛丽居里。

对生物动力法最严厉的批评 Biodynamic Farming and Other Nonsense-Steven Novella


原文 There is often real direct harm, but often the downside of pseudoscience is just wasted resources and decreased efficiency. To a significant degree our collective quality of life is determined by the efficiency with which we expend our resources. Pseudosciences like biodynamic farming are a cancer on civilization, sapping our resources and opportunities, slowing our advance, and lowering our quality of life.

翻译 虽然反科学偶尔会有直接的伤害,但通常反科学的问题仅仅是浪费资源、降低效率。很大程度上,人类生活的质量由我们花费资源的效率决定。生物动力法这样的反科学是文明的肿瘤,消耗了资源和机会,减缓进步,从而降低了人类生活质量。

评论 稍微搜了下,Steven Novella挺厉害的。上面这段是我看过对生物动力最最严厉的批评了。
